* Virtual Las Vegas Night 1. How to start the program There are two ways to run "Virtual Las Vegas Night", from Hard disk or from CDROM. For best result, you need to run from Hard disk (8 MB free space required). Make sure that you are running in 386 Enhanced mode, and that you have setup a swap file for Virtual memory. a. Installation (1) Place the CD in your CD-ROM drive. (2) Start Windows. (3) In Program Manager, click on option "File", then click on "Run". (4) Type D:\SETUP Where "D" is the Physical CD-ROM drive (the letter of your CDROM drive). (5) After Installation is completed, a new group - NEWTRAX will be created. (6) From the NEWTRAX window, click on icon "Microsoft Video 1.1 setup" to install Video for Windows. b. Run Virtual Las Vegas Night ** Run from Hard Drive Simply click on the icon "Virtual Las Vegas Night" from NEWTRAX Group to start. ** Run from CDROM Drive (1) In Program Manager, Click on "File", "Run", and then type D:\ms_video\setup.exe where "D" is the physical CDROM Drive. (Initial set up only) (2) In Program Manager, Click on "File", "Run", and then type D:\lasvegas\vegas.exe where "D" is the physical CDROM Drive. 2. System Requirements a. Minimum Requirements *IBM PC Compatibles *386DX 33MHz *4MB RAM *Windows 3.1 Multimedia compatible (SoundBlaster or compatible Audio Cards supported by Windows and Video for Windows) *single speed (150K/sec) CD-ROM Player *256 Color SVGA with 512k video RAM at 640X480 display mode *Microsoft Compatible mouse b. SVGA display Support 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 display modes. For best result, please set up Video display size to 640x480 with 256 colors. c. Video Driver You need to install Microsoft Video for Windows / RunTime Version 1.1 from NEWTRAX group to upgrade Intel Indeo Video Driver to Version 3.2. New Trax Technology P.O. Box #710 Fremont, CA 94555 BBS: 510-795-1135